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More of The Interface

Another raining day, I put on my rain jacket. It was the first product that I bought from Lululemon. I liked it, so I decided to get another one. Siiting down on the subway and taking out my cell phone, I typed "lululemon" on google.

The interface on mobile phone is clear and easy to use. By displaying the picture links for women's new products, I guess Lululemon is not just trying to promote the new items, but also telling its customers "hey, we know you", since most people would like to buy the newly launched. The biggest part of the homepage is about women. It's obvious that Lululemon is a sportswear brand that focuses especially on women. By the way, it spreaded the product line to more general sportswear from yoga wear. I'd like to consider this innovative.

On the left top of the homepage is the menu that includes two big catagories: women's and men's. Specific features such as "tops" and "accessories" can be used to direct to the type that you are looking for. You can even scan bar codes to find the products that are available online. It's interesting that Lululemon replaces "sale" with "we made too much". It's more like a conversation with the audience. Also, it draws people in if they are as curious as I am to ask "what does 'we made too much' mean? "

The only difference between Lululemon's general page on mobile phone and its app is that, soon after dpwnloading the app, you are going to select your nation to serve convenience for delivery.

When you are into a certain brand, chances are it will appear on your multiple screens. Both Lululemon's website and interface on tablet have a different way from that fits a smaller screen to display the menu, since they have more room. Additionally, the bigger screen display is going deeper to branding. Click "blog", and you will go into Lululemon's lifestyle world. "education" is leeting you know more about the materials and how to maintain the products. It's like telling the customers "hey, my dear, we are not just selling, we care about you!"

The design of these interfaces is simple. Pictures show no fantacy but peace. This is how daily life is and where easthtics lay. I really appreciate the very few words in the product description. Lululemon simply devides the product description into three parts: why we made this, fabric + features, fit + function. The use of bullet points under the three parts makes everything clear. Again, I can feel this brand is caring about my feeling. I'd like to give Lululemon a credit on "trust".

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